Monday, August 27, 2012

Payson Adventure

Saturday morning Reese and I headed to the Hudson family cabin in Payson with Lani and her dog, Penny.  We got there and settled then picked up sandwiches and headed to the creek to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.  
 Arizona has had a lot of monsoons over the past couple of weeks so the creek was higher than normal but we enjoyed splashing around, throwing stones and just being outside. 

 It looked like another storm was on its way towards us so we headed back to the cabin for naptime.  I think I needed it more than Reese did.

Post naptime, we did some coloring and picked up Sonic for dinner.  Reese loved the banana shake that I ordered and must be in a growth spurt because she ate almost everything in sight this weekend.  We watched Fantastic Mr. Fox and played hide and seek before bedtime.

Sunday morning, we got ready and headed down to Greenway Park (?) where Reese played on the playground and Lani found the first of three caterpillars that looked like this.  When I was little and we used to go camping at Potato Creek, we would call these wooly worms.

 Snack time by the lake

 Then we moved over to a grassy area away from the lake so we could play with the big yellow ball.

 Reese and Penny

Lastly, we dropped Penny at the cabin and went for lunch at the Payson Airport.  I had never been before but it was perfect.  Reese was awesome, eating a ton of her "Bear Cake" or pancake, watching the planes and coloring.  We even were able to ask a pilot where he was heading today (Roosevelt Lake).  After that we packed up and drove home.  

It was much too quick but the weather was glorious with beautiful clouds.  It was 105 in Phoenix when we got back and I had to mow the lawn so I quickly remember why I am ready for fall.  I do love Arizona but this heat is slowly killing me.  It was nice to get away to Payson and enjoy the outdoors.  I am counting down the days until October.

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