1. Literally, she has gotten so tall that she doesn't fit under the kitchen counters any more.
2. She can write her "R"s. They started upside-down and backwards but they have turned around and she is writing them on everything now.
3. The past couple of nights she has been getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night so that she doesn't go in her pull-up and then is waking up completely dry. I'm not sure when all of that is supposed to happen but I haven't been pushing it because there always seems to be a lot of change happening. It seems to be happening all on its own. (As I knock on wood)
4. She does so many things all by her self now: puts on her shoes and socks, buttons (it takes a while but she can do it), dressed and undressed (and she knows to look for the tags or the letters to know which way is the back)
5. She can count to 30. Okay, okay, sometimes we jump from 16 to 19 and the late 20s get a little messy sometimes but she was counting letters for Lani this weekend and went straight through with no mess ups! Then, I realized it and had to make a big deal so now she is counting everything.
6. Her hair is out of control. It tucks into her underwear after it curls, not just when I brush it. We will need to cut it sometime but we have crossed a line and I don't know if I will be able to. Lots of braids lately. I am happy to say the Princess "Aleia" buns held up better than I thought they would this weekend so I see them in our future.
7. She looks like a kid now, instead of a toddler. Her chubby little cheeks are going away and when I look at pictures of her when she first came to AZ, I see how much she has changed in the past seven months. And then I cry.
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