Today was a great day. Just an average day, really, but it felt great. We playing with the little people and had a home visit with our AZ case manager. She arrived while we were setting up the little people wedding. Bella, Trudy and Santa were in attendance. We ate our lunch standing at the kitchen counter, Reese on the step-stool, and talked then played outside for a bit before naptime. We have borrowed a little tricycle from Amy that automatically pedals and Reese has really gotten the hang of it. It is so awesome seeing her just pedal down the drive way. She has a hard time getting going but with a little shove, she is on her way. At dinner we were talking about letters and sounds they make and Reese wanted to do these little flashcards that spell out three-letter words and shows a picture of the word when you put them together. I was pronouncing the sounds for each letter and Reese was not understanding why I was doing that. She didn't realize that I was sounding out a word and then all of a sudden, it clicked. I cheered and she was so excited that she had to give me a hug. It was really a fun moment and boosted my self esteem for teaching her things.
I always want to be taking Reese places, showing her things and giving her experiences but the days I love most are the quiet ones at home. The ones where we just play outside and she listens well, where there are lots of hugs and giggles.
It was also a Scooby Doo day. Thankfully, Aunt Kathy bought Reese the Christmas Scooby Doo DVD because today it was all she wanted. After bathtime she asked to watch the same episode twice. I need to check to see if Scooby Doo is available on netflix.
Why did I think I wanted to see Drive? I didn't mind the two hours of Ryan Gosling but seriously, what was I thinking. It was violent and gory. I don't even think I read the synopsis when I added it to my netflix list. Now I am having to watch some Big Bang Theory so that I don't have nightmares. Maybe I should take a look at my queue.