Monday, September 24, 2012

Thank you, Teen Mom 2.

I can't believe I am going to say this but thank you, Teen Mom 2, for putting a little baby tooth situation into perspective.  I have been drawn to watching this show on Netflix instant view and didn't really think about why at first but then I realized that it made me feel better about the job I was doing as a parent and all of the opportunities and support that Reese and I have.  It is easy to get swallowed up by the stress and pressure that I put on myself.  It is funny that watching something as mindless as a reality show could help.  I am able to see teen moms who are struggling to be good parents (or not even trying) in the face of many obstacles.

The timing couldn't have been better.  I had been watching this show during the spring and had watched all that Netflix had to offer.  But then on Friday I received an email that the second season of Teen Mom 2 was now available on Netflix.  It is an easy thing to put on post-bedtime or during weekend naps while I am accomplishing other tasks.  Last night, I watched an episode where one set of parents had to have a second MRI done on her daughter to look at her optic nerve and brain and the baby had to be sedated.  Of course, I teared up watching this and realized that I could have it a lot harder.

A while back I had noticed that Reese as not biting with her front teeth but on the side.  Then over the past week, I noticed that her left front tooth as moving in her gums.  Flossing wasn't the same and that tooth looked different.  I chalked that up to the fact that her mouth is getting bigger but kept an eye on it while we brushed teeth twice a day.  On Friday, Reese let me touch it and it wiggled then I started to sweat.  Reese is only three and a half, she should not have wiggly teeth.  I looked online and talked to some family who all said to wait until Monday when the dentist is open and get it looked at.  So I proceeded to worry and sweat all weekend about it.  But is does not bother Reese in the slightest.  She still eats the same amount (other than taking bites of hard things on the side), she talks the same, her gums look normal, she doesn't complain about pain and she plays just the same.  I called first thing this morning - my awesome pediatric dentist opens at 6:30am and got her in to have an x-ray.  Turns out the root has gone away from this tooth, either from a small cavity she had filled that got into the pulp of the tooth or she bumped it 6 months or more ago.  Phew, it was not something I did or missed, hopefully there is no need for DCS to need to investigate.  For mothers of non-foster kids, please feel lucky that this is not the first thing that runs through your head because it was one of the first things I thought about and how it would affect our pending adoption.  The dentist said that as long as it isn't bothering her and her gums maintain their healthy status, it will probably fall out in the next 6 months.  This will not affect her permanent teeth at all and right now it is a good place holder for that permanent tooth.  I could see it on the x-ray and it looks huge but perfect!  So, I will just keep an eye on it and when it comes out, it comes out.  She is going to look adorable missing a front tooth and I better get working on a little tooth fairy pillow I thought I had years to make.

In closing, thank you Phoenix Pediatric Dental for getting me in and having a great dentist who talked with me, answered my questions and relieved my worries.  And thank you, Teen Mom 2, for putting things into perspective.

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