Sunday, July 7, 2013

It's not a race, it's a journey: the move

Our last night in the house on Earll Place. 
Reese and I slept on my mattress on the floor in my room.  My dad and uncle Bob slept on Reese's mattress and the air mattress in the living room.  I loved my years in that home.

All of my worldly possessions getting ready to leave.


Reese and I hung out in an empty house on the day before we left Phoenix.

Our last dinner was at Sweet Tomatoes, as requested by Reese.  We happened to see our neighbors from down the street eating there too.

Then we drove around Phoenix in Matt's Jeep (those are not my dirty car windows!) to see some of the places we will miss. Here is the Winnie Ruth Judd house.

My favorite house in Phoenix.

Reese had a bath at Amy's.  Po had to check her out.

Then the next morning the girls played together.  These are the cutest mermaids that I have ever seen.

Then Amy took us to the airport and I cried a lot.  Good-bye Arizona.

My mom brought Sophia to the airport to welcome us.  Reese turned to me and said "Look, Mom, Sophia has teeth."  Apparently she had forgotten that she had teeth a year ago when we saw her last.  They were so happy to see each other.

We picked up some White Castle on the way home and Soapie was being shy and didn't want a burger from me but she was happy to share with Reese.  They just passed it back and forth.

We slept at my mom's house for one night then got up and headed down to Noblesville.

Where we checked out Reese's preschool, had some Subway and got into our apartment (which was a comedy of errors, thank god Maria took the day off to be there with me)

Then we went to scope out my new Library.

And my dad showed up with the truck late that night so Reese and I slept on cots in the living room that first night.

We live in a tree house :)

My Mom and Marc came down to help unload the truck and get settled.  This is what the place looked like when we had everything inside but that is it.

Reese came running up to me and said "Mom, there is a tv in my room!"  Little did she know that it was not going to stay there.  I'm such a mean mom...

my room

my tiny little kitchen

We went out to Steak and Shake for lunch.

Thankfully we are settled, though it took about a month.  I still have two boxes in my room that I need to go through someday....

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