Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 1 and 2 of 2013

Reese came with me to work for the Library's extended hours on January 2nd.  This has become pretty routine but with her being at the school's winter break camp, she was a bit wired this day.  It appeared that Reese didn't eat or sleep the entire time she was at camp which made for some pretty long days...

My little Merida with her bow and arrows!

We were working on a connect the dots in Reese's room over the weekend and she stopped to say "These numbers are too small, I need our glasses."  She is just so cute in them and my prescription is so low that I don't worry.

Can you find little Reese?  All curled up during her nap.

We took down Christmas which was emotionally harder than I anticipated.  Reese kept saying "We'll do it tomorrow." If we went with that, the tree would still be up in July.  It did take us a while to get the nativity down.  We went to church on Sunday because it was Epiphany and Reese kept asked where the Wise Men were.  We sat right in front of the nativity but I think she wanted real Wise Men.  

Tuesday we went to the docs office for Reese's 4 year check up which took two hours because Reese wasn't in Arizona's database for vaccinations.  Then she had to get three shots which was not fun but she handled it like a trooper.

Unfortunately, she woke up the next morning and could only walk like Quasimodo.  I thought it was just muscle aches that you sometimes get with shots so I took her to school because I had a ton of work to get done for a group of middle schoolers who were coming the Library the next day.  Well, I got a call from her teacher when her temp went to 104 so I rushed to get her and took her in to the doc.  They were very helpful there and we saw a very nice doctor.  Reese ended up falling asleep on the examination bed and then threw up thankfully in the cup of water that I was trying to give to her.  It is so hard to see her sick.  We went home and had some rice and bananas for lunch then Reese napped.  Afterwards we packed up and went in to work so I could get things ready for the next day and Reese just curled up behind my desk and watched Cinderella.  We went home for dinner then the light switch was flipped back the other way and my little girl was sick no longer.  She woke up yesterday feeling great and didn't stop talking all day.  She was so sweet and it was really nice to have her back to normal.  Today we took in Avenger's cupcakes to school (that was all they had at the grocery store) for her birthday.  I just got an email from her teacher that somehow she got frosting on the back of her neck which after being cleaned up looks like a bruise (blue and red frosting).  It did not surprise me at all.  What a silly goose...

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