Monday, March 5, 2012


Reese and I video chatted with Aunt Annie tonight at dinner and I was telling Annie about something and Reese looked over st me and said "Don't fuss about that." She doesn't know it but she will be saying that a lot to me over her lifetime. :)

We picked up a new Barbie movie from the library today and planned on having a movie night, complete with popcorn and jelly beans. I was cleaning up dinner and I told Reese to go in the living room and get out movie theater ready. She came came back a minute later and said "I'm ready! I have my crochet!" It looks like a have a crafter on my hands!

Sorry Mom, but Reese now calls you "regular Mimmie," because my Mim is her "great Mimmie." So she says "my great Mimmie or my regular Mimmie?"

1 comment:

  1. I am fine with that. Your Mimmie is pretty great and so far I am only regular. But some day I will be a "Great Mimmie"!!!! It takes lots of practice to become great.
