Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have been talking about the need for a nightstand since I moved back to Phoenix in January.  I have missed a couple good ones on Craigslist and didn't find anything high enough at Ikea.  I put Amy on the job and she sent me to Lizabel's, the antique store down the street, yesterday. 
The one she sent me to look at wasn't tall enough but right next to it was a desk that had been marked down in price and was the perfect height.  Amy and the girls came down and I made the purchase.  It is perfect and I couldn't be happier!

So this morning, I was looking through the ads from the Sunday paper and in the Best Buy ad I saw the cover of the new Brandon Flowers cd.  Any sure as shit, there is my desk!  Little did I know that I bought a famous desk for my nightstand!  Funny little world...


  1. That Brandon Flowers has the drawers all out of wack! I love it!

  2. not going to lie. I was nibbing (skimming) and not reading the first time through. Got the jist that you had bought this desk and then I scrolled down, saw the same desk with some freaking hottie next to it. I thought "well Lindsey didn't say a word about this fella! You were almost in big trouble. ALMOST!
