Monday, September 7, 2009


Reese had her first camping experience this weekend!  We headed with my mom over to Chain O' Lakes, which is near Fort Wayne.  Reese was such a trooper and loved being outside.  We went on a little hike with her in the front carrier and other than being eaten alive by mosquitos, it was great.  I think the mosquitos knew that I had not been around for them to nibble on for a couple years.  They bit me everywhere with a concentration behind my ears - so weird.  My mom took Reese to visit her mom on Sunday so I was able to spend the day napping, reading for school and then I took a hike by myself.  It was so nice to be outside surrounded by nature.  The green of the woods was so vivid and I spotted mushrooms, berries, and flowers.  We made smores and tin foil dinners.  My mom's boyfriend made these amazing onions for lunch - it was an onion with a glob of butter and a bullion cube on top wrapped in foil and then cooked.  It was heaven.  I haven't been camping in many years, I think I forgot how much I enjoy it.  I am really happy that was I around for Reese's first camping adventure.


  1. sounds like y'all had a great time!! dang mosquitos, always trying to ruin a good time.

  2. Yay! I am so glad she got to experience the great outdoors!
