Sunday, August 11, 2013

Indiana Fun

 After our crazy trip abroad, I was looking forward to a weekend exploring our new town.  We started out Saturday morning at the Noblesville Farmers Market.  We picked up hair bows for the girls, corn and zucchinis, and homemade soap.  Then we went over to the Hamilton East Library to get our new library card and explore the library.  Reese found a diagram toy of a head that you can check out that she just had to have.

After lunch at home, we went to the Belfry Theatre to see a production of Sleeping Beauty performed by children ages 5-13.  It was a cute little theater, with a shorter production and Reese just loved it!

After the play, we stopped at Barnes and Noble to use some gift cards we had.  It took Reese forever to pick out something.  She ended up with a bride sticker book and a Barbie picture book.  I picked up a cozy mystery that I have had my eye on and a new mom's planner to get myself organized.

Sunday morning, the Schultz family minus Myles picked us up and we headed down to the Indiana State Fair.  We got there early enough that it was cool out and the crowds weren't there yet.  We parked right by the family fun park and everything that we wanted to do!

Reese and Dominic pretended to be farmers and went through the whole process.

Then we saw some animals and went through the pioneer village, where we saw people square dancing and singing.

We hit the kiddy rides right when they opened!  An adult had to ride with the kids for most of the rides which takes a lot of tickets so they didn't get to ride as much but they had a great time.

Reese's favorite was the giant slide!

Afterwards, we played the ducky game and the kids each won a big ball.

Then we ate a good lunch, had some beignets and headed back to the car.  

Everyone came back to our place and crashed for an afternoon nap then Maria and Anthony were on to a family function in Indy.  Reese and I are still recovering a little.  This was really a perfect weekend!

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