Monday, June 15, 2009


I visited the eye doctor (another new year's resolution checked off the list) last weekend. I was told I needed reading glasses and that I should save my money and go to the dollar store to get a pair. Sandra helped me pick out these beauties at CVS. Classy...

I had a wonderful Saturday of thrifting with Lani. If you visit her blog you can see some of the awesome hats I had to try on. I found dresses and skirts so that I am ready to head back to the midwest in style. I did find this awesome London bag for $1.

Hello from Gracie (she always puts on her grump face when I get the camera out)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Being retired

No pictures this post. Allison came to visit and you know how she is about taking pictures - then I always seem to forget. My Aunt Karen and Uncle Bob were in town to again look at houses and Alicia's graduation. Allison was able to make it for a quick trip from Friday to Sunday. We had a busy weekend for being retired.

I always look forward to Karen and Bob being here because they stay in fun retirement communities that, though they are about as far away as possible, have all the amenities that life should have. Usually it feels like we have all the time in the world but not this trip.

With Allison here, we had to show her how awesome it would be if her parents lived in Arizona - so then she can go back and spread the word to all the uneasy people in the midwest. We went swimming, had great food, looked at all the facilities and model homes to pick from.

On top of that we went to Alicia's graduation party, the symphony, rocked out with Delilah and in-n-out for some last minute burgers before Allison had to leave. And then on Monday, I had a farewell dinner with Karen and Bob, and the Heisner gang at Pita Jungle. It was a great weekend to conclude my month of being the hostess of the mostess. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend at home (I think Gracie is too).